
I was a video store clerk for the final ten years of the existence of the video store, leading up to and including the depressing final act known as liquidation. Even though by then digital formats had taken over, it was utterly depressing to see countless out of print cult classics on VHS, that were only available as video store rentals, walk out the door in the hands of one person. But that was what happened, a store would be liquidated, its entire catalog now in the hands of individuals, never to be shared publicly again.

Within those walls, there was a sense of community among film-buffs, cinephiles, and movie-geeks alike. This was our sanctuary, our open forum to discuss our favorite topic with like-minded individuals, to guide, and to sometimes be guided toward a film that we may have never seen without guidance.

A perfect example of this, is when Stephen King, who was browsing the dingy shelves of a basement video store on the corner of Dartmouth and Newbury Street in Boston’s Back Bay, approached the counter with a copy of Frequency in his hand. He was not coming up to rent it…He was coming up to recommend it.

That exemplifies the relationship that existed between clerk and customer at the video store…Equal parts symbiotic and co-dependent.

In the years following the final death rattle, I have sorely missed the video store, as both a customer, and a clerk. I manage to keep the dream alive on a microscopic scale by still recommending films to friends, and taking their recommendations when they are given.

In the spirit of this dream, I hope that you enjoy the recommended films that you’ve taken the time to sit down and watch. And please, share not only your thoughts on the recommendation, but also share a recommendation of your own.

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