Frightday Night Film Recommendations: 3 Is A Magic Number.

It’s Friday…

Ahem…I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…

Okay…This Frightday’s theme is…

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3 Is A Magic Number.

There you go…

Just in case the title of today’s list of film recommendations didn’t get the song stuck in your head…

So what is it about the number 3…

That makes it so…




There is no reason for the third film in a series…

To wind up being even mildly entertaining…

Or even halfway decent for that matter…

But for the third film in a series…

To occasionally rise above not only its predecessor…

But sometimes even the original?

I know…

It seems outlandish…

But in the countless horror films that have earned sequels…

There are…

A surprising number that happen to be the third in the series…

That stand out…

That showed us something different…

That forced us to pay attention…


This phenomenon translates to a lot of other genre films as well…

Many would argue that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is the best in that series…

And that Die Hard With A Vengeance is leaps and bounds beyond its predecessor…

Or the fact that Thor: Ragnarok, is the ass-kickingest, balls-to-the-wall wild-ride of the entire Thor series…

For me…

The first time this happened in a series…

Horror or otherwise…

Was Halloween III: Season of the Witch

To this day…

Regardless of the vitriolic feedback that I receive…

This film did just what I described…

It stood out…

It showed me something completely different…

And forced me to pay attention…



The films that I am recommending to you today…

Will do the same.

So, let’s take a chronological look at the best, most frightening, and possibly even unknown to you, 3 Is A Magic Number Movies…In the years following Halloween III: Season of the Witch. 


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Day of the Dead (1985) – Following the passing of Joseph Pilato…I was reminded of his standout performance as Rhodes…And I gave the film another watch…It is a delightfully subversive film that makes the military even scarier than the zombies…Hell…Sherman Howard’s likable performance as Bub, is still one of my favorite portrayals of a zombie…And yes…That’s what I said…A likable performance of a zombie…But that was always what the great horror filmmakers did…They always had something to say…And George A. Romero says it so well in this one…We as humans are in constant battle within ourselves…Logic battles incessantly against primal urges like violence…And those two sides are represented within the confines of that Florida bunker…The scientists…Searching for a cure…And the military…Thirsty for blood.


  Large head of burnt man with hat floating in clouds, five blades stretch out from the clouds, four people facing the clouds stand on four the of five blades. There is road leading to a house below the sky.

Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors (1987) – Next to the original…This is the one from this franchise that I visit most often…It is a perfect horror film in my humble opinion…I wouldn’t change a hair on its wee little head…The cast is phenomenal…The bringback of Heather Langenkamp as Nancy…Adds a shit-ton of street cred as well…Some absolutely incredible dream-killing-sequences in this one too…The self-sculpting little clay Freddy golem that turns Phillip into a marionette is a personal favorite of mine…Not to mention being the origin of the most quoted Freddy line in the history of the franchise…Yeah…That’s right…You know the one…”Welcome to prime time, bitch!” I’m sorry folks, but when I’m looking for a fun horror romp and it’s like two-in-the-freakin-morning…Every time…This is the one I choose.


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The Exorcist III (1990) – Not just a standout film compared to its predecessor…This film is a standout…Period…Written and directed by William Peter Blatty…Yes that’s right…The guy who wrote the original source material for the first film in the franchise…This film was one of my favorite horror films from the 90’s…It was darker…Creepier…And got all up under my skin…More than most films coming out around that time…I mean you’ve got creepy-ass Mary Jackson skittering across the ceiling like a fucking water-bug…You’ve got Brad Fucking Dourif…Oh man…Oh geez…Oh come on…I forgot about that one scene in the hospital…Never mind…Those of you that haven’t seen this film yet…Take this recommendation…And when that scene comes…Let me tell you, buddy…You’ll know it.


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Alien³  (1992) – I am a huge fan of David Fincher…And no…I did not become a fan of this film after watching Se7en…Or even Fight Club…I was, and am, a fan of his because of this, his first film…I found it to be unique to the other two that preceded it…This film was gritty…And dirty…And raw…And Ripley was a bald-headed bad-ass walking around a bunch of convicted rapists and murderers with a fucking baby alien queen incubating in her chest…She as a character…And Sigourney Weaver as an actor…Was at her absolute best…She had more meat to chew on in this one than any other film in the franchise…And the setting was harsh…Because Fury 161 wasn’t just a prison colony…But it was a foundry as well…Adding to the grit…Was the supporting cast of a veritable who’s who in British character actors…You had Paul McGann (Doctor Who)…Brian Glover (American Werewolf in London)…Pete Postlethwaite (The Usual Suspects)…And Phil Davis (Quadrophenia)…Just to name a few…I can’t say enough good things about this film…I recently watched the remastered Assembly Cut, on the blu-ray box-set…And gawdamn if it isn’t better than the theatrical version.


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Army of Darkness (1992) – If this isn’t one of your favorite films about Ashley J. Williams…Than you are a primitive screw-head…This highly quotable followup to 1987’s Evil Dead 2…Picks up the story right where that film left off…Ash and his ’73 Olds Delta 88 go flying through a vortex to the middle ages…And that’s where this horror franchise takes a slight left turn and becomes a fantasy film…For a little while…But by the time Ash enters the windmill in the haunted forest…It delves down deep into the type of horror-comedy that we’ve grown accustomed to…In fact…It is some of the best physical comedy from any of the installments including the short-lived but awesome series on Starz…You’ve even got Ash battling a horde of tiny Ashes…Which leads to a shit-ton of hilarious hi-jinx…Gawd…I love this one…It’s goofy…It’s ballsy…It’s…It’s…Well…It’s…Groovy.



Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993) – After the enjoyable…But unquestionably more mild-mannered follow-up to Dan O’Bannon’s 1985 cult classic…There was no reason at all for the next sequel to have any value at all…But it did…It even recaptured a bit of the punk swagger of the original…And it all came down to Melinda Clarke’s performance as Julie…And man…What a chick Julie is…I mean seriously…As far as girlfriends go…They don’t get much better…You see…The reason Julie looks the way she does in the cover art…Is because…To prevent herself from snacking on her boyfriend’s brains…She realizes that extreme pain takes away her urge to gorge on his medulla fucking oblongata…So she pierces herself…All over…With every fucking pointy thing that she can lay her hands on…Yep…That’s right…Julie’s a beast.



Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning (2004) – Following the subdued sequel, Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed, which was heavy on the Brigitte, and light on the Ginger…This prequel…Which takes us back to the early 1800’s…Gives the audience a whole lotta Ginger this time around…And as a fan of Katharine Isabelle’s work…In my opinion…You can never have too much Ginger in your Ginger Snaps movie…This film is incredibly well shot…And recaptures that magical bond between the sisters that we experienced in the first film…That total, “it’s you and me against the world, kid” vibe that made them such a strong duo…And it is in full effect in this really cool, and totally original concept for a horror prequel…It’s almost like an alternate reality origin story…And I dug it.


Image showing Wendy and Kevin along with the rest of the survivors on the Devil's Flight roller-coaster as it's performing an upside down loop looking at the camera and screaming.

Final Destination 3 (2006) – Now I love this franchise…The films in this series give you exactly what you ask for…Time and time again…Legendary kills…But the third film in this series was one of my favorites…Mary Elizabeth Winstead (10 Cloverfield Lane) stars as Wendy…She is this film’s Alex…And her vision makes people already scared of roller coasters shit their ever-loving shorts…After the initial amusement park nightmare…This one follows the standard path…Each of the survivors take turns either dodging the swing of Death’s scythe…Or letting it land squarely in their faces…Even though it is a predictable journey…There are a ton of twists, turns and unexpected setbacks along the way…Leading up to a killer climax…And an even better final scene…Give this one another look…It’s worth it.



Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) – This film holds a special place in my heart…When my daughter was fifteen…We were eating dinner at a BBQ joint…And when my wife and I witnessed her devouring a piece of cornbread like she was making out with a Jonas brother…We realized that she was stoned out of her gourd…We said nothing…But following dinner we treated her to a movie night…I bought three tickets to this film…At about the halfway mark…Whilst she was pulling into the stop for Pee Pee Pants City…I leaned over and whispered…”We know that you’re high.” It was one of my most evil and proudest moments as a parent…Besides the torturing of my weed-addled daughter…This film was an unexpected treat…It is a prequel of the events of the first two films…This time…We learn about how this whole nightmare got started…And it actually started almost twenty years earlier…This one was the most frightening entry in the series, in my opinion…It’s because of the kids, man…There is something about when kids are the ones in danger that the stakes are always just a bit higher…I enjoyed the first film…But with the second installment, I started to feel like the excitement that I felt with the first film could not be recreated…I was dead wrong…This third film had me, and my stoned daughter, on the edge of our seats the whole damn time.


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Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015) – This third film in the Insidious franchise marks the directorial debut of Leigh Whannell…The man responsible for writing not only this series…But also the first three Saw films…He followed this film with his sophomore effort as a director…Upgrade…And has already proven himself a worthy filmmaker…This film is not only a prequel to the first two films…It also marks the introduction of our trio of supernatural soldiers…This is the one where ghost whisperer extraordinaire Elise, played by Lin Shaye…Meets up and joins forces with Tucker, played by Angus Sampson, and Specs, played by the writer and director himself, Leigh Whannell…For this franchise…This trio is our Scooby Gang…Our Winchesters…And peering through the window, parting the curtains, and watching their introduction was…Well…It was kinda fucking awesome.


Frightday Night Film Recommendations: This Is Your Horror Movie On Drugs…Any Questions?

It’s Friday…


I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…


This Frightday’s theme is…


This Is Your Horror Movie On Drugs…Any Questions?


I haven’t seen a bald lady acting that crazy since I came home from work…

And found my ex-wife…

With her head freshly shaved…

Sitting naked in a bean bag chair…

Chanting like a deranged Buddhist monk…


That’s a story for another day…


You see…

The bat-shit crazy bald lady in the picture above…

Went bat-shit crazy and bald for a very specific reason…

While in college a decade before…

She took some acid…

That just gave her a madness-inducing flashback…

And that acid…

Bears the same name as the film it came from…

Blue Sunshine

This was Jeff Lieberman‘s follow-up to his 1976 killer worm cult classic, Squirm

And it tells the tale of a group of college kids who ten years after taking that Blue Sunshine acid…

Begin to suffer psychotic breaks…

And then…

Kill anyone that happens to be around them…


Now, that’s what I’d call a bad trip…


But to be honest…

As bad as that trip was…


If you’re taking any mind altering drugs…


Within the confines of a horror movie…


Oh man…


That’s gonna make your bad trip…



Even fucking worse.


So, let’s take a chronological look at the best, most frightening, and possibly even unknown to you, Drug-Fueled Horror Movies…In the years following Blue Sunshine. 


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Altered States (1980) – Ken Russell (Tommy) brings us this twisted tale of erudite intellect run amok…Eddie Jessup is a Harvard professor played to brainy perfection by William Hurt (The Big Chill)…Jessup decides to do a little experimenting with Mexican hallucinogens and sensory deprivation…The results are progressively worse with each attempt…Because the experiments take him on a backwards journey through human evolution…With each trip down the dark and twisted rabbit hole…He is transformed into a previous version of his evolutionary self…This film is loaded with some outstanding and totally memorable visuals…I guess you could call them dream sequences…But whatever you wanna call ’em…The stunning sequences while Jessup undergoes his experiments…Were a lot like having your very own acid flashback.


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Brain Damage (1988) – This warped late 80’s yarn comes from writer/director Frank Henenlotter, the man who a few years earlier created the cult classic, Basket Case…In this one, he opens a window into the long and bizarre life of Aylmer…A fairly-phallic, host-hopping, brain-noshing, drug-dealing, parasitic creature…Aylmer gets tired of eating cold calf brains from a Jewish deli…And decides to bail on his roommates, Morris and Martha…He moves down the hall…And finds Brian…Aylmer injects his extremely euphoric, highly hallucinogenic, and acutely addictive drug directly into Brian’s medula oblangata…A gift that he trades with Brian in return for field trips outside to find Aylmer some fresh food…And that food is the brain matter of freshly killed humans…This film is as nutty as a fucking fruitcake…And does more to educate viewers about addiction than an ABC Afterschool Special would.


Naked Lunch film poster.jpgNaked Lunch (1991) – Here’s my bold statement of the day…This is David Cronenberg’s most fucked-up film…And considering some of the wacky shit he’s done…You can see why this is such a bold statement…But there it is…In this one…He adapts not only the titular work of William S. Burroughs…But he added excerpts from some of his other works…And bizarre events from Burroughs’ life as well…Peter Weller (RoboCop) leads an amazing cast in this film about…Um…Exterminators?…No…Uh…It’s about insects?…Or maybe…Er…Writing?…Nope…How about drugs…I think it’s about drugs…To be honest…Meaning isn’t the important thing about this film…But as far as the drug use goes…It is as bizarre as everything else in this strange realm…People are either getting high from the shit used to kill insects…Or they are getting high from the insects themselves…So kick back…Snort a line of live fire ants…And enjoy this one.


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The Tripper (2007) – This one was directed by David Arquette (Scream)…And asks the question…Who hates hippies enough to slaughter them in a horribly violent fashion? The answer: Ronald Fucking Reagan, that’s who…There is a delightful retro 80’s masked slasher vibe here…But there is also a fair amount of socio-political commentary as well…But this pot-fueled, counter-culture horror-comedy pokes fun at both sides of the fence…The lampooning is 100% bi-partisan…The kills are gory and brutal…And the cast is pretty damn good for a low budget slasher throwback…You’ve got Lukas Haas, Thomas Jane, Jaime King, Balthazar Getty, and Jason Mewes…Just to name a few…I dug this one…It was subversive in the best possible way…It was a well-made slasher effort…And at times…It was downright hilarious…Like the brief but side-splitting cameo from Courteney Cox…So sit back…Take a toke from your favorite spliff…And enjoy this one.



Shrooms (2007) – With a title like this…Nobody is shocked to discover that this is a drug-fueled horror film…In this one…A pack of American students hungry for hallucinogens have traveled to Ireland to hang out in the wilderness and trip balls on magic mushrooms…Jake, played by Jack Huston (Mr. Mercedes), is their tour guide to both the area, and the mushrooms growing within…And considering what transpires in the first act alone…He’s not really very good at his job…This film plays out like a traditional slasher…But with a few twists…Because of the hallucinogenic fungi they’ve ingested…We see what they see…And what they see…Isn’t always there…So we the audience share in the collective confusion…But in the final act…This film gives us yet another twist…One that makes it rise above the stoner slasher film it could have been…And transforms it right before our eyes…As if we just drank a piping hot cup of Jake’s Psilocybin Tea.



Toad Road (2012) – This film starts out like a documentary about total fucking wastoids…A chronicle of their drunken exploits and drug experimentation…And despite a low-budget documentary style of film-making…It is deftly and at times beautifully shot…At about the halfway mark…James and his new girlfriend Sara embark on a journey down Toad Road, an urban legend that purports to be a trail that leads to the Seven Gates of Hell…Now is this the best film that you will ever see? Fuck no…But as I mentioned it is beautifully shot…And the two unknown leads do an outstanding job…And the urban legend that they walked into…Was creepy enough to keep me completely engaged…And I wasn’t even half as wasted as the cast was in this one.


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John Dies at the End (2012) – This film comes from Don Coscarelli, the director of some of my favorite films…Like…Bubba Ho-Tep…And the balls to the wall, ass-kicking Phantasm franchise…In this one…He adapts the novel filled with trippy-as-hell mindfuckery written by David Wong, a.k.a. Jason Pargin…About two friends who take a bizarre drug known as “Soy Sauce”…This stuff doesn’t just get the user high…But it also breaks open the doors of perception and zig-zags the user down a corridor filled with alternate dimensions and timestreams…This film and the drug that it features are off-the-fucking-wall…And as you watch Dave, played by Chase Williamson (Beyond the Gates) and John as they navigate through this drug-fueled existential mine field…Just know…You will never have more fun not knowing what the fuck is going on…Unless of course…You just took a healthy dose of Soy Sauce, yourself.


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A Field In England (2013) – One of the things that I love about filmmaker, Ben Wheatley is…Each and every one of his films…Are completely unique…And unlike anything else that he has done…In this beautifully brutal black and white film…We are taken to the war-torn battlefields of the English Civil War…Where an alchemist’s assistant named Whitehead gets rescued by a soldier named Cutler…The two men meet two deserters and the four of them band together in search of an ale house nearby…What they find instead…In this strange field…Are copious amounts of hallucinogenic mushrooms…And maybe a buried alchemist…And possibly some buried treasure…And perchance a magical wind storm…But no ale house…I think…One thing I can say for sure…Is…This film is the trippiest historical period piece…That I’ve ever seen…Except for the time I watched Barry Lyndon on shrooms.


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Antibirth (2016) – In this drug-addled horror comedy, writer-director Danny Perez tells a tale within the dark recesses of a remote Michigan town…It’s all about Lou, played by the ever-awesome Natasha Lyonne…She’s a girl who likes to party…Perhaps a bit too much…But, hey…Who’s judging? So after yet another dysphoric night of excessive drug and alcohol consumption…Lou wakes up with symptoms that seem eerily similar to those associated with pregnancy…Her BFF Sadie, played by the equally ever-awesome Chloë Sevigny, believes that Lou is actually pregnant, even though Lou insists that she hasn’t had sex…But as the symptoms increase and point to pregnancy…So do the moments of bizarre horrific hilarity…As well as some seriously gooey, gross-out moments…Moments that will probably take more drugs and alcohol than you watched Lou ingest…To erase the disturbing images from your memory bank…Give it a shot, though…Screw that…Bartender! Make it two shots!


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Devil’s Acid (2018) – This delightfully off-the-wall little number comes from the obviously twisted mind of Garrett Kruithof…This actor made his directorial debut with this one…And he also stars as the film’s storyteller…One night while consuming a bunch of beers…A dad tells his two sons a story…About an asshole…Named Johnny…Johnny is the nastiest little person that I have ever seen on my TV…And that’s saying something because I saw the episode of Webster where Emmanuel Lewis climbed on a chair and kicked Mr. Papadopolis in the balls…Or maybe that was a dream…Anyway…The convoluted drunk ramblings of this father to his sons…Is exactly what makes this film so enjoyable…Had it just been the cheesetastic story about a bunch of women partying in an abandoned prison with that asshole Johnny and his brother…I would not have cared…But because it was framed by the inebriated storytelling of a father trying to appease his son’s insomnia…His story takes wild turns…And he is forced to answer questions throughout the film when it does…So…To sum up…It was sort of like The Princess Bride…But with sex…Drugs…And possibly even the Devil.