Frightday Night Film Recommendations: ‘Til Death Do Us Part…

It’s Friday…


I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…


This Frightday’s theme is…


‘Til Death Do Us Part…


Anyone who has ever been in a relationship…

Whether it ended up being a good one…

Or a bad one…

Knows that the act of being in a relationship…

Takes a lot of work…


If your relationship happens to exist…

Within the confines…

Of a horror movie…


Just look at Ol’ Seth and Ronnie up there…

All hot and heavy…

And falling in love…


Seth and Ronnie would agree…

That the act of being in a relationship takes a lot of work…


When your counterpart starts losing appendages…

Climbing the walls…

And vomit-burping on their Krispy Kreme donuts before eating them…


And you will find a similar difficulty…

In full effect…

Throughout all of the films that I am recommending to you on this list…


Even though no one ever said that relationships are easy…


They should surely be a shit-ton easier than this…


So, let’s take a chronological look at the best, most frightening, and possibly even unknown to you, ‘Til Death Do Us Part Movies…In the years following David Cronenberg’s The Fly. 



Dead Calm (1989) – This taut little nail-biter was based on a story that Orson Welles had planned on adapting for the big screen back in the 60’s but it never panned out…Nicole Kidman and Sam Neill play the Ingrams…A couple who are on a sailing trip to help them process their grief, following a tragic accident…They discover a boat adrift…And the one surviving passenger left alive has rowed over and wants to come aboard…That lone survivor is played by…Billy Zane…And once he is on board, everything changes for both Ingrams…Great performances all around in this one…Especially from the villainous Zane…This is one of those intense thrillers, that is even more intense due to the trapped environment of a sailboat on an endless sea…Nothing like a side order of claustrophobia to go with this film’s murderous main course.


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Transsiberian (2008) – From Brad Anderson, the man behind such delights as, Session 9…The Machinist…And Vanishing on 7th Street…Comes this dark-as-night, edge-of-your-seat thriller…It’s about an American couple taking a scenic trip home on the Transsiberian Railway, after a stint, volunteering in China…Woody Harrelson (Zombieland) and Emily Mortimer (Harry Brown) play the couple whose lives get mixed up with a shady couple sharing the train ride with them, played by, Kate Mara (Morgan) and Eduardo Noriega (The Devil’s Backbone)…The sticky entangled mess that is created…Is the celluloid version of a spider’s web…And…It keeps the audience uncomfortable, unsure, and unhinged…It is cold, tense, and full of surprises…And over a decade later…This film has really stayed with me…And is still…One of the best and most original thrillers I’ve seen in a long time. 


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Sightseers (2012) – Ben Wheatley (Kill List) created this darkly comic horror film about a couple on a camping caravan holiday…Chris and Tina travel the countryside and with each mile under them…With each rest stop…With each overnight stay…This couple goes further down a horrifying rabbit-hole…And at the same time…Grows further and further apart…Complimenting Wheatley’s incredibly adept hand as a director, are the two incredible lead actors…Steve Oram plays Chris, and has shown up in numerous horror efforts like The Canal, and A Dark Song…And in the role of his wife, Tina…Alice Lowe who went on to write, direct and star in…The unique and bat-shit crazy film about a homicidal unborn fetus, Prevenge…The pair display a deliciously deranged detachment to the horrors that occur in this film…This provides a level of uncomfortable humor that follows them all the way to the end credits.


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Spring (2014) – In between their two interconnected films, Resolution and The EndlessJustin Benson, and Aaron Moorhead brought us this tale of a young couple played by Lou Taylor Pucci (Evil Dead) and Nadia Hilker (The Walking Dead)…Who are falling in love in Italy…Despite more obstacles than those experienced by that Montague boy who fell for that Capulet girl…And the fact that she initially rejects him…Louise become romantically involved with American tourist, Evan…And the things that Evan doesn’t know about her could (and possibly have) fill the pages of an ancient tome…This is a body-horror film…This is a romantic film…And both of these genres work independently and surprisingly in coalition with each other…The end result is a believable horror film…That contains within it…A believable romance.


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Honeymoon (2014) – This haunting film takes us to a location that on its own…Is already a recipe for disaster…That’s right…It’s the cabin in the woods…But as a honeymoon location…It might be even worse…Rose Leslie (Game of Thrones) plays Bea…Who takes her new groom, Paul, played by Harry Treadaway (Mr. Mercedes), to a remote and apparently from what she thinks, romantic getaway for their honeymoon…Once there…The weird factor gets turned up to eleven…And doesn’t dial down for a single second…Despite the lines between what is real or imagined being blurred beyond belief…Paul tries to love her through this horrific honeymoon from Hell…But much to the chagrin of Huey Lewis and the News…The Power of Love…Well sometimes…That shit ain’t stronger and harder than a bad girl’s dream…And this movie proves it.


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Crimson Peak (2015) – In this technicolored Gothic horror story from the master himself, Guillermo del Toro…Gives unto us…A twisted, tangled tale of a love-trapezoid…Young Edith, played by Mia Wasikowska…Is pursued by Charlie Hunnam’s character, Dr. McMichael…But instead…Falls for Thomas Sharpe, a mystery man, played by, Tom Hiddleston…Who has a rather odd, and increasingly amorphous relationship with his sister, Lucille, played by Jessica Chastain…Following the marriage of Thomas and Edith, the two settle in (with his twisted sister, of course) at Allerdale Hall…A dilapidated family mansion that is slowly sinking into the red clay mine upon which it was built…Once there…The mysteries within can barely contain themselves…In fact…They begin to hurl frightening revelations in the general direction of the newly arrived Lady of the House…And how she responds to these revelations…Will ultimately determine her fate.



Wildling (2018) – This film spins a yarn about Anna, a mysterious adolescent with an even more mysterious past…During her formative years…Anna was raised by a man that she calls Daddy…But Daddy, played by the legendary Brad Dourif, is neither her father, nor a nice enough guy to even bear the name, Daddy…And all of the secrets and the trauma of her upbringing begin to unfold…When she is taken in by a local cop, played by Liv Tyler…And her teenage son, Ray…The two teens begin to catch feelings for each other…And those feelings stir up a side of Anna’s personality that had been surreptitiously kept dormant for her entire life…And as she begins to…Well…For lack of a better term…Evolve…The changes that she undergoes put her and her puppy love for Ray to the ultimate test…Let me tell ya, folks…This was a highly original tale that took me by surprise…Check it out.


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The Domestics (2018) – Now here’s a fun little romp into an apocalyptic nightmare…One that shows a more tribal response to the end of the world…People have joined gangs and for the most part…It is all out war between them…With the exception of The Domestics…These are the people who have chosen not to clan up and join one of these marauding bands of bloodthirsty maniacs…But instead have chosen to try to live a peaceful life as prey and playthings to the aforementioned packs of playful predators…Tyler Hoechlin (a guy who has played Superman) and Kate Bosworth (a girl who has played Lois Lane)…Are a married couple who are trying to sort out their own bullshit, while at the same time fighting for their lives across the vast wasteland that used to be a place called home…This was the feature film debut for director Mike P. Nelson…The man tasked with rebooting the Wrong Turn franchise…And after seeing this, his ambitious first effort…Color me totally intrigued to see what he does with Wrong Turn.


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What Keeps You Alive (2018) – Following It Stains The Sand Red, his unique take on the zombie genre…Writer/Director, Colin Minihan joins forces once again with actress, Brittany Allen…Who in this film, plays Jules, a character that is almost unrecognizable when compared to the character she played in his first effort…Jules has accompanied her enigmatic wife to her remote family cabin…Hannah Emily Anderson (Jigsaw), plays her wife, Jackie…Or is it Megan? Oh, well…Either way…She begins to shed her enigmatic chrysalis and spread wings that are radiant with colorful revelations…Jules is confronted with each and every one of these revelations…Which is not an easy pill to swallow, considering that they are about a woman that she loves and trusts implicitly…And from them…She receives a crash course in the dangers and vulnerabilty that walk hand-in-hand with both love and trust…The two leads do an outstanding job acting their way through a blood-soaked dysfunctional relationship…This was an incredibly intense horror film that kept me on the edge of my seat for the entire running time…And I will be keeping an eye on this filmmaker…I like what I’ve seen so far…And I’m looking forward to seeing more.


Frightday Night Film Recommendations: A Guy Walks Into A Bar…

It’s Friday…


I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…


This Frightday’s theme is…


A Guy Walks Into A Bar…


The bar scene in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining


This particular bar…

Was the place where Jack Torrance’s alcoholism…

And The Overlook Hotel’s supernatural power joined forces…

To create an all-working, no-playing, dull boy-making, axe-wielding, family-chopping madman…



For me…

There’s something magical about…

Hunkering down on a stool…

At a nice wooden bar…

In a dimly-lit neighborhood pub…

That feels a lot like…

Going home…



I know what you’re probably thinking…

You’re thinking that…

I’m no different than ol’ Jack Torrance up there…


There is a big difference…


You see…

Jack Torrance was an alcoholic…

And me…

I’m just a drunk…

And friends, let me tell ya…

Those are two very different things…


But as for the folks that hunkered down…

At the bars on this list of movie recommendations…

Things got even scarier for them…


Than they do for me…


When I hear the words…


Last call.


So, let’s take a chronological look at the best, most frightening, and possibly even unknown to you, A Guy Walks Into a Bar Horror Movies…In the years following The Shining. 


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American Werewolf in London (1981) – In this, one of my all-time favorite films…Director John Landis tells the tale of David and Jack…Two college students backpacking their way through England…When the two are dropped off in rural Yorkshire…They stop in at a pub called, The Slaughtered Lamb…A pub with a sign that depicts a decapitated wolf’s head on a pike…If that wasn’t enticing enough…When the two men enter…They not only discover that the walls are adorned with supernatural lore that they remembered seeing in The Wolfman…But they also discover that the townsfolk who inhabit this fine establishment aren’t very welcoming…In fact…The customers of The Slaughtered Lamb lead poor David and Jack out of the bar…And on to the moors…Like lambs…To the slaughter.


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Friday the 13th: Part 2 (1981) – In the first sequel in this legendary slasher franchise…The son takes over the reins for his mother…And becomes the stuff of scary campfire tales…On the last night of fun and freedom before all the little campers show up and ruin everything…Paul, Ginny and Ted make their way to the Casino Bar for one last hurrah…Paul and Ginny make their way back to Camp Crystal Lake to play out their predestined fates…But Ted…Now…I’ve talked about Ted before…I did a list of recommendations about horror films that contained unlikely survivors….It was aptly titled, How The Hell Did They Survive???…Which goes into greater detail the fact that Ted, played by Stu Charno (The X-Files)…A delightfully goofy ginger-haired source of comic relief…Should have been one of the first kills…A fate that has befallen so many other sources of comic relief in this franchise…But he wasn’t…Ted stayed behind at the Casino Bar…And either scored with the waitress (pretty unlikely)…Found another after hours joint (also pretty unlikely)…Or passed out in the bushes behind the parking lot (okay, that one’s pretty fucking likely).


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Vamp (1986) – For those of you out there that thought the only movie about a vampire strip club…Was From Dusk til Dawn…A film you’ll find a little further down on this list…It’s time for you to get acquainted with Vamp...This little gem is said to be the inspiration behind Quentin Tarantino’s script for From Dusk til Dawn…And anyone who has ever read Elmore Leonard…Knows that Tarantino finds his inspiration in pretty cool places…Like this flick…So the bar in question…Is a strip-club called After Dark…And it is about to be visited by a couple of frat boys, who enlist the help, and the Cadillac, of a wealthy, and lonely student named Duncan…Played to nerdy perfection by Gedde “Long Duck Dong” Watanabe…The three take said Cadillac, and travel into the city in search of a stripper-for-hire…That’s when they stumble upon After Dark...And Katrina…The bar’s main attraction…Played by Grace Jones…If you are anything like me…Then you already thought ol’ Gracie was pretty fucking frightening…Well…Let me tell you, folks…Just you wait and see…Just how frightening…She can be.



Near Dark (1987) – Here’s one that ages like a fine wine…Or a barrel of Kentucky bourbon…Or a nice 100% agave tequila…Damn…I’m getting thirsty! But seriously…Before her brief marriage to James CameronKathryn Bigelow managed to snatch three amazing character actors from his stable…And I am so glad she did…Because…Lance Henriksen, Jenette Goldstein, and especially Bill Paxton stole the show…Paxton played Severen, and although he wasn’t the leader of this not-so-merry band of bloodsucking misfits…He sure was something alright…After the gang reluctantly fosters farmboy, Caleb…They go to a country bar and…Well…Let’s say…They let of a little steam…I gotta tell you…This bar scene…This one is my all-time favorite…And it is entirely because of the performance of Paxton as Severen…He had that fucked-up kinda charm that made half of you scared shitless of him…And the other half…Wanting to hang out with him.


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From Dusk till Dawn (1996) – Sure…I mentioned in my recommendation for Vamp…The fact that Tarantino borrowed some aspects from that film to color the second half of this script which was brought to life by Robert Rodriguez…But the bar featured in this film…Delightfully dubbed, The Titty Twister…Is a bar that stands out as a totally original construct…And by the way…It’s the kind of joint that just hanging out there and drinking…Is an Olympic-level event…By the time the infamous Gecko Brothers bring their family of kidnap victims to the bar…We have already established that these two menacing siblings are the worst of the worst…And even in a bar filled with tough-as-nails truckers, and big, bad bikers…They are still the biggest threats in this bar…That is…Until the headlining stripper, Santanico Pandemonium, played by Salma Hayek…Hits the stage…And shows the Geckos, and everyone else…What the biggest threat actually looks like.


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Shaun of the Dead (2004) – In this film…Much like the aforementioned The Shining…The bar is more character than setting…And this character…Is named…The Winchester…And it is a bar that not only plays an integral part in the storytelling of the overall tale of the protagonist, Shaun, and his desire to sort his life out…But it is also the place where the cast of characters make their final stand against the undead…There is a bit of primal honesty in this premise…As a guy who enjoys his local pub…I could think of no better place to be stuck while riding out the apocalypse until the end of the world comes…But to be fair…If I was out there…In the shit…Taking out countless numbers of the dreaded zed word…Then no…Of course not…I would not imbibe a drop of the wonderful nectar of the gods…Nary a single solitary sip of sweet sweet libation…But within the confines of a pub? And you’re just riding it out? Oh fuck yeah…I’m getting good and shit-faced…How’s that for a slice of fried gold?


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Feast (2005) – In this debut from director John Gulager (Piranha 3D)…And the writing team of Patrick Melton, and Marcus Dunstan (The Collector)…We spend the majority of the film…Just like its patrons…Stuck out in the Nevada desert…Trapped inside a grubby little roadside bar…This tongue-in-cheek, cheese-tastic gore-fest of a monster movie is an absolute blast from start to finish…Now this ain’t my first rodeo…I know the critics dropped a big steamy pile on this one…But as per my usual response to this…I just don’t give a fuck…The day film critics start appreciating the stank of a good ol’ cheesy horror movie…Is the day I will start listening to them again…Films like this one are actually made for horror fans, and by horror fans…And as I look through the many horror cult classics that I hold near and dear to my heart…And not a single one is loved by critics…So I say…Fuck ’em.


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Grabbers (2012) – This film from director Jon Wright (Tormented), has one of the best story ideas I’ve ever heard…So there’s this monster, right?…And, we need to find a way to protect ourselves, yeah?…What’s that you say?…If we get really, really drunk, then the monster will leave us alone?…Sweet…Now that’s my kinda monster…And my kinda monster movie…Richard Coyle (Coupling), and Ruth Bradley (Humans) play police officers who have become unlikely partners in the bizarre world that takes place on a remote Irish island, and the more you watch, the more you start to feel as isolated as the residents trapped there. Here there be plenty of comedic elements, as there usually are when large quantities of alcohol are added. But the horror side of this horror-comedy is handled with skilled effects and intense action sequences.


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The World’s End (2013) – This is the second film on this list from director Edgar Wright…But it is the third and final film in what’s known as his Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy (also known as the Cornetto trilogy or sometimes the Blood and Ice Cream trilogy)…In this one…A group of childhood friends, played by Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, and Paddy Considine…Are dragged back to their old stomping grounds by their former fearless leader, played by Simon Pegg…In a desperate attempt to recapture the magic of his youth, and a chance to finally complete The Golden Mile…This is a pub crawl that takes the three reluctant grown men, and one over-exuberant man-child on a 12 stop tour of the pubs in their little town…As the crawl crawls along…The men slowly discover two things…That they are getting shit-faced…And that their little town is overrun with killer alien robots posing as the local residents they once knew…This film is a freakin’ hoot…And it is also…Highly recommended.

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Peelers (2016) –  Since this film hits all three of Joe Bob Briggs’ Three B’s…Breasts…Blood..And Beasts…It is therefore guaranteed a place in my Cult Classics section…Sorry, I gotta do what Joe Bob says…For those of you out there, who constantly hyper-compartmentalize the zombie genre…For you…This film is about the infected…But for me…Nope…A zombie is a fucking zombie…And this film is about gooey, oozing, gruesome zombies…And these greasy ghouls have infiltrated a strip club in a small mining town…The owner of the bar is an ex-cop named Blue Jean…And trust me…Her nickname’s not B.J., so don’t even think about calling her that…Anyway…Blue Jean has sold the bar, and her final night as owner isn’t spent saying goodbye to all of the strippers, bartenders and bouncers there…Instead she kicks the ever-loving black-eyed ass off the slimy shitheads that have invaded her bar…If you are in the mood for a straight-up cheesy exploitation gore-fest…Then belly on up to the bar…This one’s for you!