Emelie (2015)- A Solitary Film Recommendation

A Solitary Film Recommendation?

What in the Wide, Wide World of Sports is going on around here?

Hey folks…

There’s a reason why this is the only evil babysitter movie out there…


Because, it just might be the scariest damn thing imaginable…


I know what you’re thinking, because I was thinking it too…


There must have been another film about an evil babysitter…


No…Not her…


She was a nanny, not a babysitter…


And …


So was she…




I’m afraid…She too, was a nanny…

If you are a parent, then I must tell you…

Films like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, The Omen, and The Guardian will scare you…

But remember…

Nannies are interviewed…

They have references…

They are vetted…

Hell, you can even find out what other parents say about them on Angie’s List…

But there’s something fucked up about letting a random teenager into your home to care for your children…


A complete stranger…


Oh man…

That’s already scary enough…

And thanks to this director, and the film he created…

It just got a whole lot scarier.



Emelie (2015) – This is the feature film debut of director, Michael Thelin a man who bravely travelled into uncharted territory…This brave bastard tells us the story about a mother and father who are on their way out to celebrate their thirteenth wedding anniversary…They have three beautiful children all with very individual and very distinct personalities…

Dad heads out to pick up the new babysitter…

We the audience already know that the babysitter is not who she claims to be…And we know that she is bad news…But how bad?…To what extent?…Aww geez guys, don’t ask…

For now…

Just watch the trailer…


Even if you aren’t a parent, this film will still horrify you…

Because, generally speaking…

It’s the underlying theme of the majority of all horror films…

An innocent, incapable, and inexperienced protagonist…

Frightened and tormented by a malevolent, capable, and experienced antagonist…


And you don’t have to be a parent to be distraught by the horrifying thought of the unatural, unnecessary, and untimely loss of these children’s innocence…


Let me tell you, folks…


What she puts these children through is traumatic…

It’s disturbing…

It’s unsettling…

Oh Hell…

I can’t believe I’m recommending that you watch it…

And not because it wasn’t a good film…

Because it is one of the best horror films that I have seen this year…

No, I can’t believe that I am recommending a film that royally fucked me up…


In a…

Good way?



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