21st Century Cult Classics: Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Meet Tucker and Dale…


Couple of good friends…Doing some chores around the house…


Darn wood chipper…I think there’s something stuck in it.


Cult Classics…You know I love ’em!

But what exactly makes a cult classic?

Typically it’s a film that speaks to a particular group of people, and becomes popular among that small but fiercely loyal fan base…Although, it may not ever be critically acclaimed…And it may not ever win big at the box office…

 That’s okay, because it has us…The fans…Quoting the films…Wearing the T-Shirts…Spreading the love for a cult classic, like a virus spread by word of mouth.


tucker 1

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010) – After the announcement of a sequel…That’s right a sequel!!!…I felt compelled to shine the spotlight on this instant classic. The sub-genre of redneck horror movies have been a favorite of mine, and horror fans everywhere…The Wrong Turn series, the Hatchet series, and the Texas Chansaw Massacre series, just to name a few, have delighted us for years by bringing smelly, toothless sister-humpers to the top of the list of things that scare us…

What Shaun of the Dead did to send up zombie movies, this film does one better with it’s spoofy send up of redneck horror…There were moments where the film Shaun of the Dead is serious about the business of making a zombie movie, but with this unique little gem, they never took the subject matter or themselves seriously…

Okay, so the premise is your standard bunch of teens in the woods tormented by demented murdering rednecks…



Our friends Tucker and Dale are not demented murdering rednecks…They are just a couple of misunderstood good ol’ boys who have the misfortune of being villified for a series of accidents…Just a calvalcade of moments of pure happenstance, really…

So your noisy chainsaw scares someone…They run away, and…


Not your fault…Just some seriously sad serendipity.

So, maybe they want a little payback, so they charge after you…They think you’ve murdered their friend, and…


Again, not your fault…The dude probably shoulda looked before he leapt.

Hell, even the the investigating police officer enters tyour rickety cabin to question you, and…


So not your fault…The old cabin is simply falling apart at the seams.

The non-stop display of Looney Tunes style misadventures continues throughout the remainder of the film…And sadly, our two misunderstood hillbillies are held responsible for each and every one of them…


It is a devilishly funny film…


It is a retro-grade gore-fest…


It is a comedy of errors that would make even Wile E. Coyote shake his damn head…


It is without a doubt…


A 21st Century Cult Classic.

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