Frightday Night Film Recommendations: Missing Game of Thrones

It’s Friday…

Ahem…I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…

Okay…This Frightday’s theme is…

Game of Thrones - Head Sliced in Half

Missing Game of Thrones.

I know it’s only a couple of days away, but I’m missing it…

I miss the characters I love…

Hell, I even miss the ones I hate…

So I’ve put together some recommendations of films that not only have actors from Game of Thrones in their cast…

But the flicks are also pretty damn bad-ass on their own.

So here’s a list of some Missing Game of Thrones Movies, that should hopefully take the edge off.


The Purge (2013) – We’ve all probably seen it…Hell some of us have even seen it more than once…But who cares…This flick broke new ground in the home invasion genre, by making it a country-wide phenomena instead of focusing on the torment of one family…Although we are fully invested in the one family that is showcased, we are still aware of the greater imminent danger lurking outside the walls of their house…

The character from Game of Thrones…


Cersei Lannister…

P.S…You might want to check her out as Ma Ma in Dredd, as well.



Mama (2012) – Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, and within a few minutes, you can feel the influence of the horror master…This one tells the tale of a couple of kids that were lost and abandoned after a car accident…Years later after being found, they move in with their uncle, the twin brother of their deceased father, and his girlfriend…The feral nature of the children is the least of their worries…Seems that they weren’t truly alone out there in those woods.

The character from Game of Thrones…


Jaime Lannister.



Mirrors (2008) – This horror film from director Alexandre Aja (High Tension, The Hills Have Eyes) was a helluva lot better than the poor reception it received by critics…I am biased of course, I adore this director, and I’m sorry, but anything with Jack Bauer in it, goes to the top of my cue…Putting that aside…It is a compelling horror-mystery that is a complete re-imagining of the Korean original, instead of a straight up re-make.

The character from Game of Thrones…


Grand Maester Pycelle.



Alien3 (1992) – Here’s a David Fincher film that took years for people to accept…It is a dark, bleak, sci-fi horror that takes place on a Fury 161, a penal colony just beyond the ass-crack of space…This is one of my favorite Alien flicks, because of the level of bad-ass that Ripley ascends to…She goes up against hardened criminals who haven’t seen a chick in like a million years, and she handles herself like a champ.

The character from Game of Thrones…

Game of Thrones

Tywin Lannister.



Honeymoon (2014) – A couple of newlyweds are on honeymoon in a rustic cabin in the woods…Yeah, you heard me right, I didn’t say Cancun, I said a cabin in the woods…If that wasn’t bad enough, the newlyweds are experiecing some really messed-up and unexplainable things. The strain of a new marriage getting put to the test, along with these mysterious occurrences, actually doubles the level of tension…The audience becomes uncomfortable being present in either scenario.

The character from Game of Thrones…

ygritte 2.PNG




Kill List (2011) – Director Ben Wheatley blew everyone’s brains out with this twisted film that begins like a crime film…A couple of hired guns who get back in the game…But then it transforms into…Something else entirely…And most likely, like nothing that you’ve ever seen…

The character from Game of Thrones…


Dolorous Edd, or Eddison Tollett.



Let us Prey (2014) – This film is set in a remote village in Scotland, and takes place almost entirely within the confines of a local police station…It is a devious little flick about vengeance, and sin, and in this tiny town, there is plenty of both to go around…The performances are raw and authentic, the story is original and sacrilicious(that’s delicious sacrilege in case you were curious), and it aggressively explores the darkened corners of the human mind…

The character from Game of Thrones…


Davos Seaworth, or The Onion Knight.



Black Death (2010) – This one actually made me homesick for Westeros…The medieval setting and downright amazing cast compliment the artistry of director Christopher Smith (Severance, and Triangle), who keeps turning out awesome movies…This one is set in 1348, in the midst of a deadly plague…A remote village that doesn’t have a single infected resident, draws the attention of a bishop, who has heard strange tales of the supernatural kind, where this village is concerned…He sends a band of mercenaries to deal with the devilry…And that’s when all sorts of Hell breaks loose.

The character from Game of Thrones…

With this one, you actually get two for the price of one…


The first is Eddard, or Ned Stark…

And the other…


Melisandre, or The Red Woman.


There…That should tide you over.



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