Frightday Night Film Recommendations: The Zom-Com, or Zomedy

It’s Friday…

Ahem…I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…

Okay…This Frightday’s theme is…


The Zom-Com, or Zomedy.

It isn’t a new concept…

Hell…I’ve been laughing during zombie movies ever since Freddy told Tina that he knew she was in there…

Because he could smell her brains…


That was Dan O’Bannon’s Zom-Com Masterpiece, Return of the Living Dead, and the one that started it all…


For me.


Let’s take a chronological look at the best, funniest, and most original, Zom-Coms, or Zomedies since Return of the Living Dead that you may not have seen…But should.




Fido (2006) – Here’s a fun one…Imagine a world where tamed zombies are kept like housepets, or more appropriately, slaves…In a 50’s style era where humans have defeated and enslaved the zombie population…Lucky households can control their very own zombie using a remote controlled collar that curbs the creature’s natural propensity for snacking on humans. Billy Connolly is amazing as the zombie turned subservient servant…This one is undeniably unique and totally twisted…You’ll dig it.



Wasting Away (2007) – Sometimes referred to as, Aaah! Zombies!!…This film does an interesting thing…It deals with perspective and point of view through the lens of a Wizard of Oz camera…Reality is where the film begins, and much like when Dorothy was in Kansas, reality is presented in black and white…But as the film takes a turn, and our main characters are “turned”, the perspective changes and the fantasy is presented in glorious color…It was hysterical watching these zombies transition back and forth between fantasy and reality…And as they realize what they’ve become, young Tim says…”I don’t feel like a zombie.” The response to this, is a line that defines the whole point of view scenario that they’ve created here…”Yeah, well idiots don’t feel stupid…But they are.”



Dance of the Dead (2008) – This entry into the Zom-Com history books has a vibe that kind of reminded me of the loveable losers in Night of the Creeps…It is focused on the exploits of the not so popular population of a Georgia high school. These misfit students have to save their prom from legions of undead, who have crawled from the cemetary right next to the nuclear power plant…This film adds an interesting addition to the lore…Zombies apparently like music…Specifically garage-band rock and roll…Who knew?



The Revenant (2009) – Before David Anders was a zombie on the CW’s iZombie, he cut his teeth in this very funny buddy zomedy-action film…Now the film defines them as Revenants, a creature somewhere between a zombie and a vampire…But as they begin to decompose, despite their desire to drink blood, these fellows seem to be straight-up zombies…Chris Wylde was funny as hell, as the smart-assed best buddy, and the two begin to behave like a zombified Batman and Robin, serving up vigilante style justice all over their fair city.



Doghouse (2009) – Imagine if you will…A group of friends are trying to help their friend heal his broken heart…They rent a minibus, and take a trip somewhere special…The small English village of Moodley, a place where the women outnumber the men four to one…But, a biological agent has infected the female residents and transformed them into cannibalistic zombies…With a taste for men…It was another new and hilarious twist on the genre, having women be the monsters, with their intended prey being exclusively men…It was also truly hysterical, and totally original.



DeadHeads (2011) – This film was written and directed by the Pierce Brothers, a couple of kids who admired the special effects work their father did on Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead…They grew up, and created this funny road-trip Zom-Com, about Mike and Brent, a couple of surprisingly sentient zombies who head out on a journey to reunite Mike with the girl who he feels he must profess his love to…The odyssey they are on is a funny and interesting one…Brent is a wise-ass who enlists the help of a mindless hungry beast of a zombie who he refers to as “Cheese”…And as they road-trip their way across the countryside, healthy doses of both Zom and Com will be found along the way.



Warm Bodies (2013) – This film directed by Jonathan Levine (All the Boys Love Mandy Lanetook the Zom-Com genre to a completely new level…It’s a Rom-Zom-Com…The cast is brilliant, and so is the story of a young zombified man who when he sees Julie for the first time…Something comes alive inside of him…And as his love grows, he slowly begins to evolve back into a human…It has plenty of funny moments…Also the classic romantic comedy formula is applied…And the addition of Boneys, a race of zombies that are the embodiment of pure evil, is a welcomed and menacing new twist not yet seen in this genre.



Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) – I truly enjoyed this film that was directed by Michael Landon’s son, Christopher…It tells the tale of three friends who are the sole members of a scout troop…Two of the friends feel as though they have grown out of scouting, but have stayed loyal to the troop for their friend, Augie…You see, Augie suffered the loss of his father, so the rapidly maturing Ben and Carter, chose to remain by his side…Even though this loyalty is the equivalent of social suicide for them…But now that the zombie apocalypse is starting in their small town, it is up to these three brave scouts to band together and save the people that they love, from imminent consumption.



Throwback Thursday: Dreamscape

What’s scarier than a guy who can enter your dreams with mad ninja skills?


Oh yeah…

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 A guy that can enter your dreams and become a snake.


Well…It’s Thursday, and you know what that means…

For some of you, it will be a thirsty one…

For others, it’s not a time to throw back a cold one…

But instead, a time to dust off an old copy of a forgotten film…

So bust out the ol’ top-loading VHS player, the LaserVision, or the Betamax and watch yourself…

A Throwback Thursday Classic.



Dreamscape (1984) – In the 80’s, I went through a serious Dennis Quaid phase…He was an everyman, a regular guy, and identifying with his characters was a breeze…It was what I refer to as The Harrison Ford Factor…Ford’s characters were so easily accessible, that an audience member could slide right into their loafers and take a stroll…Quaid’s roles, in the 80’s for sure, had The Harrison Ford Factor…

I loved Breaking Away

And Caveman

I think I saw Tough Enough twenty times…

Enemy Mine was awesome, too…

Innerspace, dude, that one still makes me laugh…

But this one…

Oh, man…This one was the pinnacle…

The pièce de résistance.

Can’t tell you how many times I saw it…Lost count at like a hundred.

The film was directed by Joseph Ruben (The Stepfather, The Good Son) and it tells the story of Alex Gardner, played by Quaid, a psychic whose abilities have been squandered on gambling and womanizing…He reunites with his former mentor Dr. Novotny played by Max von Sydow, who needs Alex to help him with his latest project.The goal is to link psychics with the minds of sleeping patients who suffer from night terrors, or nightmares that plague them in the waking world…

Sounds all nice and altruistic, right?

Novotny is a nice cat who wants to do good deeds with this technology…But for every nice scientist who wants to do good things, somewhere lurking in the shadows behind them, is a dark and evil presence who wants to do the polar opposite of good deeds…Especially with technology like this…In this case it’s Bob Blair, played by the believably evil Christopher Plummer

Now just like Novotny enlisted the help of his “good” psychic Alex Gardner, Blair has recruited his own psychic…This one…Oh man…This one is of the evil variety.

Enter Tommy Ray Glatman…


Shit, he even makes eating a tuna sandwich look evil.

Tommy Ray is played by the legendary character actor, David Patrick Kelly, most well known for uttering the phrase…”Warriors…Come out and Play-y-ay!” with bottles on his fingertips…But in this one he plays a rival psychic whose dream assassin abilities would get a nod, a bow, and a tip of the fedora from Freddy Krueger…While Alex is still learning the ropes, just trying to navigate around other people’s noggins, Tommy Ray can do…Well…He can do just about anything.


Like for instance, turn his fingertips into scalpels, and surgically remove someone’s heart from their chest.

This film is a classic good vs. evil tale with science fiction sensibilities to delight our inner nerd and enough scares and creepy imagery to please the fan of horror within us…It is not a film that I think is easily categorized…


It is a film that captures the essence of fear that encompasses the world of nightmares…


It is a film that demonstrates the dark side of politics, and what power does with powers…


It is a film that much like Nightmare on Elm Street, shows us that we are our most vulnerable when we are asleep…


It is a film that is definitely…

A Throwback Thursday Classic.

21st Century Cult Classics: Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Meet Tucker and Dale…


Couple of good friends…Doing some chores around the house…


Darn wood chipper…I think there’s something stuck in it.


Cult Classics…You know I love ’em!

But what exactly makes a cult classic?

Typically it’s a film that speaks to a particular group of people, and becomes popular among that small but fiercely loyal fan base…Although, it may not ever be critically acclaimed…And it may not ever win big at the box office…

 That’s okay, because it has us…The fans…Quoting the films…Wearing the T-Shirts…Spreading the love for a cult classic, like a virus spread by word of mouth.


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Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010) – After the announcement of a sequel…That’s right a sequel!!!…I felt compelled to shine the spotlight on this instant classic. The sub-genre of redneck horror movies have been a favorite of mine, and horror fans everywhere…The Wrong Turn series, the Hatchet series, and the Texas Chansaw Massacre series, just to name a few, have delighted us for years by bringing smelly, toothless sister-humpers to the top of the list of things that scare us…

What Shaun of the Dead did to send up zombie movies, this film does one better with it’s spoofy send up of redneck horror…There were moments where the film Shaun of the Dead is serious about the business of making a zombie movie, but with this unique little gem, they never took the subject matter or themselves seriously…

Okay, so the premise is your standard bunch of teens in the woods tormented by demented murdering rednecks…



Our friends Tucker and Dale are not demented murdering rednecks…They are just a couple of misunderstood good ol’ boys who have the misfortune of being villified for a series of accidents…Just a calvalcade of moments of pure happenstance, really…

So your noisy chainsaw scares someone…They run away, and…


Not your fault…Just some seriously sad serendipity.

So, maybe they want a little payback, so they charge after you…They think you’ve murdered their friend, and…


Again, not your fault…The dude probably shoulda looked before he leapt.

Hell, even the the investigating police officer enters tyour rickety cabin to question you, and…


So not your fault…The old cabin is simply falling apart at the seams.

The non-stop display of Looney Tunes style misadventures continues throughout the remainder of the film…And sadly, our two misunderstood hillbillies are held responsible for each and every one of them…


It is a devilishly funny film…


It is a retro-grade gore-fest…


It is a comedy of errors that would make even Wile E. Coyote shake his damn head…


It is without a doubt…


A 21st Century Cult Classic.

Frightday Night Film Recommendations: Missing Game of Thrones

It’s Friday…

Ahem…I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…

Okay…This Frightday’s theme is…

Game of Thrones - Head Sliced in Half

Missing Game of Thrones.

I know it’s only a couple of days away, but I’m missing it…

I miss the characters I love…

Hell, I even miss the ones I hate…

So I’ve put together some recommendations of films that not only have actors from Game of Thrones in their cast…

But the flicks are also pretty damn bad-ass on their own.

So here’s a list of some Missing Game of Thrones Movies, that should hopefully take the edge off.


The Purge (2013) – We’ve all probably seen it…Hell some of us have even seen it more than once…But who cares…This flick broke new ground in the home invasion genre, by making it a country-wide phenomena instead of focusing on the torment of one family…Although we are fully invested in the one family that is showcased, we are still aware of the greater imminent danger lurking outside the walls of their house…

The character from Game of Thrones…


Cersei Lannister…

P.S…You might want to check her out as Ma Ma in Dredd, as well.



Mama (2012) – Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, and within a few minutes, you can feel the influence of the horror master…This one tells the tale of a couple of kids that were lost and abandoned after a car accident…Years later after being found, they move in with their uncle, the twin brother of their deceased father, and his girlfriend…The feral nature of the children is the least of their worries…Seems that they weren’t truly alone out there in those woods.

The character from Game of Thrones…


Jaime Lannister.



Mirrors (2008) – This horror film from director Alexandre Aja (High Tension, The Hills Have Eyes) was a helluva lot better than the poor reception it received by critics…I am biased of course, I adore this director, and I’m sorry, but anything with Jack Bauer in it, goes to the top of my cue…Putting that aside…It is a compelling horror-mystery that is a complete re-imagining of the Korean original, instead of a straight up re-make.

The character from Game of Thrones…


Grand Maester Pycelle.



Alien3 (1992) – Here’s a David Fincher film that took years for people to accept…It is a dark, bleak, sci-fi horror that takes place on a Fury 161, a penal colony just beyond the ass-crack of space…This is one of my favorite Alien flicks, because of the level of bad-ass that Ripley ascends to…She goes up against hardened criminals who haven’t seen a chick in like a million years, and she handles herself like a champ.

The character from Game of Thrones…

Game of Thrones

Tywin Lannister.



Honeymoon (2014) – A couple of newlyweds are on honeymoon in a rustic cabin in the woods…Yeah, you heard me right, I didn’t say Cancun, I said a cabin in the woods…If that wasn’t bad enough, the newlyweds are experiecing some really messed-up and unexplainable things. The strain of a new marriage getting put to the test, along with these mysterious occurrences, actually doubles the level of tension…The audience becomes uncomfortable being present in either scenario.

The character from Game of Thrones…

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Kill List (2011) – Director Ben Wheatley blew everyone’s brains out with this twisted film that begins like a crime film…A couple of hired guns who get back in the game…But then it transforms into…Something else entirely…And most likely, like nothing that you’ve ever seen…

The character from Game of Thrones…


Dolorous Edd, or Eddison Tollett.



Let us Prey (2014) – This film is set in a remote village in Scotland, and takes place almost entirely within the confines of a local police station…It is a devious little flick about vengeance, and sin, and in this tiny town, there is plenty of both to go around…The performances are raw and authentic, the story is original and sacrilicious(that’s delicious sacrilege in case you were curious), and it aggressively explores the darkened corners of the human mind…

The character from Game of Thrones…


Davos Seaworth, or The Onion Knight.



Black Death (2010) – This one actually made me homesick for Westeros…The medieval setting and downright amazing cast compliment the artistry of director Christopher Smith (Severance, and Triangle), who keeps turning out awesome movies…This one is set in 1348, in the midst of a deadly plague…A remote village that doesn’t have a single infected resident, draws the attention of a bishop, who has heard strange tales of the supernatural kind, where this village is concerned…He sends a band of mercenaries to deal with the devilry…And that’s when all sorts of Hell breaks loose.

The character from Game of Thrones…

With this one, you actually get two for the price of one…


The first is Eddard, or Ned Stark…

And the other…


Melisandre, or The Red Woman.


There…That should tide you over.



Throwback Thursday: The Gate

Dad! Whoa man, am I glad to see you…


There’s this gate to Hell in the backyard, and…




Oh…So you already know about it, then. 

Well…It’s Thursday, and you know what that means…

For some of you, it will be a thirsty one…

For others, it’s not a time to throw back a cold one…

But instead, a time to dust off an old copy of a forgotten film…

So bust out the ol’ top-loading VHS player, the LaserVision, or the Betamax and watch yourself…

A Throwback Thursday Classic.


The Gate (1987) – This is sort of a Home Alone meets Hellraiser…It’s the story of two pre-teen friends…


Named Bill Gates and Stephen Dorff.

Just kidding…

But to be honest…Terry and Glen are indeed friends, and Glen is indeed played by Stephen Dorff…

In this story, these two boys are both leaning on eachother…Terry leans on Glen due to the death of his mother the previous year, and Glen leans on Terry due to the demise of the once close relationship he had with his tom-boy sister Al…

I’ve always loved when the main characters in a scary flick are kids…You lose the skepticism right away…When supernatural horror comes to town, and the adults are the ones dealing with it, they require explanation, and proof, and that shit takes time…When the kids are running the show, it’s like…

Aw shit, we got demons in the backyard…


Kids take it in stride, man…

Your friend tells you a story about a workman who died while building your home, and when he pops out of the drywall all zombified…


You look at it and say…”It’s the workman.”

Taking it in stride.

Your friend goes a little evil on you and bites the ever-loving shit outta your hand…


So your sister stabs him in the eye with a Barbie doll.

Taking it in stride.

You discover a demon eyeball in the palm of your hand…


You grab a hunk of broken glass from a dirty bucket and stab that shit.

Taking it in stride.

There’s no…What’re we gonna do? They just freakin’ do it.

These kids are in a dire situation that keeps getting worse as time ticks on…They’ve got demonic moths, levitation, dead dogs, live moms, zombie workmen, fake parents, dwarf demons, annoying 80’s teenage girls, and a really freakin’ huge demon…

But I’m telling you, kids are tough, they are resilient…

And these kids deal with a gateway to Hell like they were the freakin’ Winchesters.


Get in your way back machine…

Set the dial for 1987…

Put a little European Death Metal on your Sony Walkman…

And watch The Gate…

A Throwback Thursday Classic.





The Double Feature: Let’s Do The Time Warp Again.

Aahhhh…The Double Feature…

It all started with The Creature Double Feature on channel 56…

902d5-creaturedoublefeaturetitlescreen I’d hear what I now know is the song “Toccata” by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and I knew what was going to happen…

Four hours of mega monster mash-up mayhem.

The next evolution of the double feature came when I was going to see a movie at the Loews Copley Place Theatre…


There were long snaking hallways with doors leading to the various theaters on the left and the right…

Pulling off the Movie Hopping Double Feature was a breeze.

Finally, it has evolved into sitting on the couch on a Friday or a Saturday with my best friend…

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And watching two movies back-to-back, from our favorite genre…


 I want to honor the tradition that began with the movie monster mash-ups, and give you two great tastes that taste great together…

This time around, it’s…

Let’s Do The Time Warp Again.


Triangle (2009) – Christopher Smith, the director who delighted me with the movie Severance…Followed it up with this deeply layered look into the heart of a causal loop…Each event that we witness has either propagated the next event, or been propagated by the previous one…Confused yet? Tough shit…I don’t want to hear that tired excuse…Sure mindfuck movies can make your head spin, but Smith handled the many tendrilled tale with the tact and intellect of a down to earth physics professor…You will find that this director will guide you through what could be a far too heady story with the grace and gentle touch of an axe-wielding maniac…It’s a fresh idea that is well-crafted, and avoids becoming pretentious by using sheer unbridled brutality.



Blood Punch (2013) – The entire cast and crew of this film have a connection…And, I don’t want it to sway you from watching it…In fact it should compel you…I know it did me…The connection? Every single one of them worked together on a television show…


Power Rangers: RPM.

I know, seems a little crazy, doesn’t it? The final incarnation of this children’s show is the origin that brings together a writer, a director, and a handful of actors to create an independent horror comedy about meth, murder and causality…Milo Cawthorne, or the Green Shark Ranger plays Milton, a meth cooking guru who gets into a love triangle with meth lab recruiter Skyler, played by Olivia Tennet, or Doctor K the woman who gave the rangers their powers…In the third and final corner of the triangle is Russell, Skyler’s unstable boyfriend played by Ari Boyland, or the Blue Lion Ranger…The film does the causal loop idea justice, and even adds some new supernatural and spiritual twists to the concept…I was pleased that this wasn’t a hack re-hashing of the bloody ground broken by Triangle…It was in the same vein…And that’s just fine.

So…Here’s where we stand…

Both films manage to tackle tricky subject matter that could be both confusing and boring to an audience, unless the last book they read was A Brief History of Time…

Both films manage to pull it off…Making the stories compelling, interesting, and somehow easy to follow…

Both films have at least one character that begins to peel back the onion of time just enough to make themselves cry…

Both films have a pile-up of dead bodies…


Or is it body?


Oh well…Either way.

Upon your completion of this Double Feature, our friends at Trump University will be mailing you your honorary Physics degree.


21st Century Cult Classics: Bubba Ho Tep

Hey Old Elvis…Why so glum, chum?


Oh…It’s time for the nurse to deal with the growth on your pecker.


Hail to the King, baby.


Cult Classics…

You know I love ’em!

But what exactly makes a cult classic?

Typically it’s a film that speaks to a particular group of people, and becomes popular among that small but fiercely loyal fan base…Although, it may not ever be critically acclaimed…And it may not ever win big at the box office…

 That’s okay, because it has us…The fans…Quoting the films…Wearing the T-Shirts…Spreading the love for a cult classic, like a virus spread by word of mouth.


Bubba Ho Tep (2002) – When this came out on DVD…I had zero knowledge of it’s limited theatrical release…I hadn’t read the short story by Joe R. Lansdale…And I hadn’t seen anything that wasn’t a Phantasm movie from director Don Coscarelli in a couple decades…

But when it came out, I dove in head first…

And here’s why…

Reason Number One:


Bruce Campbell starring as a still alive, aging Elvis Presley.

Reason Number Two:


His sidekick is an elderly black man who believes he is JFK, dyed black to avoid further assasination attempts.

Reason Number Three:

Bubba Ho-Tep (2002).dvd27.jpg

These two unlikely heroes are battling an ancient Egyptian mummy.

Yeah, I know…Sounds bizarre, doesn’t it?

Well, that’s kinda the point.

And that’s all I needed to hear…I was hooked.

The story takes place within the walls of the Shady Rest Retirement Home in East Texas, where we discover that Elvis isn’t dead at all…He instead is growing old in utter anonymity, after swapping identities with an Elvis impersonator named Sebastian Haff…And he has a growth…On his pecker…His only friend is Jack, an elderly man who before being dyed black by Lyndon Johnson, was John F. Kennedy…


These two men remain surprisingly human and come off as a couple of typical Lansdale regular guys, despite the magnitude of their past lives…The quiet undercurrent that flows during this whole insane monster movie, is the forgotten nature of our elderly…Both men were shipped off to this rural East Texas nursing home, forced to leave their former lives behind…Now in their case, the former lives were taken away…But with the majority of senior citizens who end up in a nursing home…They feel the exact same way.

So…These highly irregular regular guys are forced to defend the mostly helpless residents of their community fend off a creature that doesn’t belong here anymore than the residents do…An ancient Egyptian mummy that Elvis brands with the name, Bubba Ho Tep.


So you’ve got unlikely heroes…

And you’ve got an unlikely villian…

You’ve got them battling it out in an unlikely setting…

Sounds to me like you’ve got yourself…

A 21st Century Cult Classic.


Frightday Night Film Recommendations: Home Invasion

It’s Friday…

Ahem…I mean Frightday…

And I have some recommendations for you to enjoy this weekend…

Okay…This Frightday’s theme is…


Home Invasion.

Home invaders come in all shapes and sizes…


Some of them break in to steal your shit…

Some of them break in to torture you for fun…

Some of them break in to hide from something…


But in the very best films from this sub-genre…


Some of them break in…


And get the surprise of their lives.



Let’s take a chronological look at the best, most surprising, and most original, Home Invasion Movies that you may not have seen…But should.



Them (2006) – This is yet another outstanding French horror film…It tells the tale of a French couple Lucas and Clementine who’ve recently moved into a sprawling country home in Romania…What this film lacks in gore, it makes up for with dread, tension and scares…This couple is relentlessly tormented, and we keep hoping that they will find some way out of this mess, that they have no reason for being in…The big head-spin comes not only when we realize who the tormentors actually are…But when you remember that you were told in the opening scene that this whole sordid mess is based on a true story.


Vacancy (2007) – Ever wanted to be secretly part of the filming of a snuff film? Nope…Me neither. And neither did Amy and David when they booked a room at what could easily be the worst motel since Norman Bates closed his doors…Hell, I’d rather curl up next to a bed bug, on a chalk outline of last night’s murder victim, with an overhead blacklight to point out all the various bodily fluid release locations, than spend the night at the Pinewood Motel…Once the unwilling participants discover what they’ve stumbled upon, it becomes a non-stop cavalcade of holy shit moments leading up to the intense final act.



Inside (2007) – Here’s another French horror film…My all-time favorite, in fact…And since it is the absolute most surprising, most original home invasion film that I have ever seen, there was no way it wouldn’t be included…It contains the unbridled brutality that I’ve now become accustomed to when watching French horror…They do not shrink away from the gore…They do not shrink away from the blood…And they definitely do not shrink away from the longstanding unexplored territories of this or any other horror sub-genre…Now I’ve been watching horror films and loving it for almost four decades, and let me tell you that during this one, I was a sniveling pillow-biter.


Martyrs (2008) – What?…Another French film?…Yep…And this one is sort of a classic. It’s already been re-made here in the states, albeit poorly, so skip the American version and dive right into the French horror classic…The film opens with a young girl named Lucie escaping torture at a young age…She is sent to an orphanage, where she makes a friend so loyal, that she’d be willing to do anything for her…Flash forward to when the young girls are grown, Lucie and her friend Anna are breaking into a home that Lucie believes is the home of one of her torturers…Seems normal enough, right…Straight up revenge-flick, right…But wait, it’s only like twenty minutes into the film…Yep, you’re right…This is not the climax…It’s just the beginning.


Last House on the Left (2009) – A remake? Come on, man!…Hey easy…Lighten up. Be aware that this remake was not something that Wes Craven the director of the original eventually got behind…No, this was a film that he actually sanctioned, and produced…He always wanted to see what his story would’ve looked like with a substantial budget, and was quite pleased with the end result. The scenes that were deemed too brutal in 1972, were surprisingly still too brutal in 2009, as some critics, and audience members bailed out of the theater during the brutality…At it’s core, it is still what it was…A film that shows what we as humans are capable of…And that the lines between what makes someone a good guy or a bad guy get blurred by circumstance.


The Collector movie poster

The Collector (2009) – Such a surprising treat this film was…We got a guy who is going to pull off a heist…Easy-Peasy…Just bop into the house that he’s doing some handy-man work in, crack the safe, snatch the rock, and be on his way…What could possibly go wrong? I mean what’s the worse that could happen? I don’t know…Let me see…A crazed serial killer could set deadly traps for the family that lives there…And he could end up catching you instead…Yep, I actually think that might be the worst that could happen.



You’re Next (2013) Adam Wingard, the director who brought us my favorite film of 2014, The Guest, directed this really inventive, smart and brutal home invasion film…The surprises come quick, and keep coming as turnabout becomes fairplay…I’ve recommended this one before, and probably will again…Deal with it.



The Perfect Host (2014) – David Hyde Pierce was utterly brilliant in this home invasion flick that keeps transforming with each passing scene…The metamorphosis that takes place is so unique, so fresh, that after years of movies made in this sub-genre, they still found countless ways to surprise me.



Knock Knock (2014) Eli Roth, the man behind Cabin Fever, Hostel, and The Green Inferno, stepped away from the gore and splatter that have peppered the walls of his films, to go all straight-up psychological thriller on us…Keanu Reeves plays Evan, a really nice guy who ends up getting screwed…In more ways than one. Roth takes a lot of criticism for this one, and in my opinion a wee bit on the harsh side…Is Knock Knock the best film of 2014? No, I already told you it was The Guest…But was it an original concept? Hell yes…Was it well-executed by both the filmmaker and the actors? Hell yes…Nuff said.



Intruders (2015) – Kind of in the vein of The Collector, this film has a bunch of home invaders looking to loot the home of a generous shut-in…When they arrive and find that the agarophobic owner is still there instead of at her brothers funeral, they get the surprise of their shortened lives. There are so many of the home invasion flicks that you watch and sort of hope they turn into a revenge flick…Well, this one takes it to such an amazingly dark and twisted level, that it’s like okay….Easy, now…Maybe that’s enough…Oh, okay…Maybe not.

The Double Feature: It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature

Aahhhh…The Double Feature…

It all started with The Creature Double Feature on channel 56…

902d5-creaturedoublefeaturetitlescreen I’d hear what I now know is the song “Toccata” by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and I knew what was going to happen…

Four hours of mega monster mash-up mayhem.


The next evolution of the double feature came when I was going to see a movie at the Loews Copley Place Theatre…


There were long snaking hallways with doors leading to the various theaters on the left and the right…

Pulling off the Movie Hopping Double Feature was a breeze.


 Finally, it has evolved into sitting on the couch on a Friday or a Saturday with my best friend…

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And watching two movies back-to-back, from our favorite genre…



 I want to honor the tradition that began with the movie monster mash-ups, and give you two great tastes that taste great together…

This time around, it’s…

It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature.


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The Woods (2006) – The follow-up to director Lucky McKee’s May, was a much-anticipated release…And although this film is more understated than his last, it did not deserve the much-maligned reception that sometimes comes on the heels of a successful first effort. May was a runaway train of a horror film whose intensity almost rattled it right off the tracks…But, The Woods, is a restrained carriage ride through the countryside, where the driver keeps pausing to let you gaze into the darkened forest…That being said, this is the story of Heather, a troubled teen who is dumped off by her parents at a strange little all-girls private school in rural New England…Pretty quickly, the audience can smell that something went funky in the fridge…The staff are mysterious and menacing…The students are dominating and disappearing…And both of these facts have a lot to do with the history of the forbidden woods adjacent to the school grounds…

My boy Bruce Campbell has a small but crucial role as Heather’s father…


Here he is dealing with an evil twig.




The Hallow (2015) – Surprisingly enough, this film was originally titled The Woods…Yet another distinction that ties these two films together…This is the debut film of Corin Hardy, a filmmaker who got in the horror game early on doing monster make-up and special effects…He crafted a dark, and unsettling film about the unearthed mysteries of this world that have taken refuge in a copse of trees in the Irish countryside. Despite warnings of supernatural and deadly goings-on in these woods, Adam decides to hike all up in them…With his baby in a backpack…That’s right…Our resident science guy thinks bringing his toiny wee lad into the cursed forest is a wicked awesome idea…Guess what…It’s not…The baby’s presence in this tale adds an element of unnerving suspense that once it grabs you, never lets go.

Bojana Novakovic (Devil, Shameless, Drag Me To Hell) stars as the baby mama…


Here she is dealing with an evil twig.


Both films have Mother Nature as the Big Bad…

Both films have parents that put their child in serious jeopardy…

Both films have a tone that’s brooding and omenous…

Both films have strong female leads that stand up against seemingly insurmountable odds…

And both films make you fear the dark of the woods…And crave the bright lights of the big city.