21st Century Cult Classics: God Bless America


Cult Classics…You know I love ’em!

But what exactly makes a cult classic?

Typically it’s a film that speaks to a particular group of people, and becomes popular among that small but fiercely loyal fan base…

Although, it may not ever be critically acclaimed…

And it may not ever win big at the box office… 

That’s okay, because it has us…

The fans…

Quoting the films…

Wearing the T-Shirts…

Spreading the love for a cult classic, like a virus spread by word of mouth.



God Bless America (2011) – Writer/Director Bobcat Goldthwait has already earned a sweet spot on the list of the best Cult Classics, with his debut, Shakes the Clown…Rarely is it that I find a dark comedy that is equal parts dark and comic…Typically, the laughs usually get left behind. But not in this sardonic social commentary piece. Joel Murray plays Frank, a man who after discovering that his daughter is a spoiled brat,  losing his job, and being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, decides to end it all. As he sits there, about to do the deed, he witnesses the epitome of entitled douche-baggery on a show modeled after My Super Sweet Sixteen. Frank decides that before he dies…He must take out as many of life’s everyday assholes as he can…

Starting with Chloe, the spoiled “star” of the reality show.


While there, Frank meets Roxy, played by Tara Lynne Barr, a classmate of Chloe’s, who at first seems sweet and innocent…


Until she doesn’t.


She joins Frank, and the two head out on a Mickey and Mallory style killing spree…And as the tagline says…They take out the trash…One jerk at a time.

Goldthwait’s view of American society and our fame-obsessed, hyper-sexualized, couch-potatoism is right on the freakin’ nose. There is a scene where Frank and Roxy endure the downside of going to the movies when teenagers are present…The teens are talking loudly…Answering their cellphones…And throwing popcorn…Until Frank and Roxy gun them all down…

Nowadays, a movie that even thinks about depicting a theater shooting wouldn’t get produced…

But do me a favor…Screw political correctness for five fuckin’ seconds…

And be thankful that this movie was released before that sack of crap shot innocent moviegoers…


And then watch this ultra-violent, shamefully funny 21st Century Cult Classic.


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